Something that has always staggered me is the amount of money that businesses spend in advertising their services with Google, spending as much as £30 per click to generate traffic, surely this cannot be a cost effective method of generating business?
Don’t get me wrong, when used effectively, PPC is a fantastic way of generating very targeted traffic, which when paired with the right website will convert, but I simply cannot see how it can generate a good ROI for the websites advertising on the most expensive terms, maybe I’m wrong though!
This got me thinking and I’ve done a little research into some of the most expensive keywords to bid against within Google Adwords in the UK, the list below isn't exhaustive but I think it will be an eye opener to most as to some of the amounts that businesses are paying for just 1 visitor to their website – have they never heard of SEO?
The Most Expensive PPC Keywords (source Google – 25/06/09)
- “serviced offices west london” - £29.39
- “no win no fee insurance” – £27.06
- “bad credit remortgages” – £25.32
- “fast car insurance quotes” – £23.38
- “secured loans” – £23.12
- “life insurance over 50s” – £19.39
- “spread betting information” – £19.22
- “self build conservatories” – £14.58
- “web design marketing” – £6.05 (it seems even the people in the know arent immune to the Google frenzy, or are the people paying this per click not in the know?)
As I previously said, this is a flavour of some of the most expensive keywords to target within Google Adwords, I’d love to hear from anyone who knows of more expensive terms.